Our Retreats
Led by: Titi De Paula . ( Brazil)
*It is possible to take 2 to 4 days of the retreat. Below you will find information about each day of activities.
Heart-opening and spirit-feeding adventures celebrating the magic of being alive while creating a sense of community with your fellow travelers.
1° Day – Kawsay Munana Shamanic Center
The first step is to get to know the retreat facilities, have an intimate conversation with the healer and the Kawsay Munana team, check if they are fit to participate in the experiences, and start preparing through mindful eating and physical and spiritual cleansing. .
_ Reception;
_ Taking Vital Signs;
_ Native American Ancestral Word Circle;
_ Purification Ceremony – Sweat Lodge Ceremony;
2° Day – Ceremony of Silence and Fasting in the Rarig Caves.
Surrender in a state of silence and fasting to access your inner strength, find hidden and forgotten places in yourself, bring clarity to your own life, detoxify and grow as a spiritual human being. A deep group experience of self-knowledge meditating and fasting inside a cave. Symbol of a mediating space between the kaypacha (earthly world) and the ukupacha (world below) in the Andean worldview, ancestrally used as a dwelling, place of rites, tool workshop and final resting place, that is, place where it is gestated life. Finally, we return to Kawsay Munana and we are reborn inside the womb of Mother Nature, Aipa Mama.
_ Ceremony of Silence and Fasting in the Rarig Caves. (Only Water and Juices).
_ Sweat Lodge Ceremony - Reconnection with the sacred;
3° Days - Spiritual Trekking - Path of the Inkas - Lagoon Ritual
The great adventure of consciously and sacredly walking through the Macizo del Cajas Biofess Reserve, a site of ancestral and millenary journeys that over time did become an Inka path. An opportunity to find mystical and ancestral places connecting with your personal power and sharing unforgettable moments. An integral healing of our being through the connection with nature, the sacred medicine of San Pedro, meditation in movement, ritual in lagoons that takes you to the paths of the Tree of Life to be reborn strengthened with all the magical experience of walking inside your heart. A unique experience in Ecuador.
_ San Pedro Ceremony – Walk of Power;
4° Day – Medicines of the Amazon Jungle
Ancestral Rituals of the Amazon Peoples. We start in the morning with the Kambo ceremony to purify, obtain energy and start the day. In the afternoon an experience of entering into the music and healing with all the power that music carries. At night we consecrate Ayahuasca in a nocturnal healing ritual.
_ Kambo Ritual;
_ Music therapy
_ Ayahuasca Ceremony;
5° Day – Archaeological Tour Ingapirca - Tahuantinsuyo: A trip to the past.
Feel life beating in your heart and get to know a cultural symbol. The great therapy that is traveling. Day to explore, get to know a mystical and archaeological place full of nature.
The Ingapirca archaeological complex, the largest, most important and the best preserved architectural ensemble of the Cañari-Inca culture in Ecuador. It is the sacred place of the Inca occupation in the country. Ingapirca is a Kichwa word that means “wall of the Inca”. It was "an important ceremonial area, which united various cultures through the Tahuantinsuyo and became, like Machu Picchu in Cuzco (Peru), symbols of the power of the Inca civilization."
It has an extension of four hectares and was an important religious, political, scientific, military and administrative center during the Inca conquest. It is located in the Province of Cañar, South of the Andes.
_ Tourism in the Archaeological Complex of Ingapirca;
6° Day – The Andean Minga. Community Tourism.
An authentic experience in a living culture in the Province of Canar. Spend a day with a true Andean community, led by women, and get closer to ancestral customs and contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the community. The Minga comes from the knowledge that the Andeans have about the shared work for a common good. It is the meeting where the word circulates, where good living is thought and built.
_ Experience in the Andean Community;
7° Day – The paths of the snake and the Ceremony of Dreams.
Ancestral Rituals of the Amazonian Peoples. We start in the morning, at 3 am with the Guayusa ceremony to purify, get energy, share the experiences of the retreat and start the day. At night we consecrate Ayahuasca in a nocturnal healing ritual.
_ Guayusa Ritual;
- Ayahuasca ceremony;
8° Day – Gratitude Ceremony
Last ceremony with the power plants with a traditional Gratitude Ceremony to Allpamama for all that he could have given him along with the Kawsay Munana family and grandfather San Pedro.
_ Gratitude Ceremony with San Pedro, Pachamanka, PambaMesa and Sweat Lodge;
9 Day – Relaxation and reflections
Time for rest, relaxation and a deep reconnection with the body, mind and spirit to regain balance and close the Will to Live retreat.
_circle of word _ father tobbaco ceremony
_Thermal water Spa
PRICE : $ 1800 per person.
. *All medicines ceremonie, sweatlodge , activities of the retreat; trasportation from our center to the mountains and sacred altars..
*Therapies and Ancestral treatme/ Sweat Lodges
. *Comfortable Accommodation In a cabin in the countryside on the outskirts of the city of Cuenca. //use of all areas of the retreat house;
. *3 main meals according to each activity of the retreat: breakfast-lunch-dinner; (vegan/vegetarian)
. * Fruit / Tea / Water, open unlimited;
. *Wifi;
. *Accomodation and Cleannig Service;
. * Translation in English;
** It is possible to provide a taxi number that can pick you up from the Cuenca terminal or airport to take you to our center.
Important: *To participate in the retreats, it is necessary to answer the registration form, deposit 50% of the value of the Retreat, follow the preparation guide and instructions that are sent by email.
EXTRA SERVICES: You can book different holistic and ancestral therapies that harmonize very well with your retreat. If you require it, ask me about prices and availability.
*Kambo treatment
*Family Constellation Therapy
*Massage: Thai / Raindrops
*Music therapy session
CONTACT US : +593988430161/+593996419370 (Ecuador)
With an open mind and heart! For those who seek sustainability, adventure, health and spirituality tourism in contact with nature and traditional indigenous culture, practicing activities in search of self-knowledge and a transformative life experience. A trip to a lifestyle that combines nature with the contact of the human being in a conscious way. Kawsay Munana Shamanic Ecolodge is the place where it promotes mystical experiences in sacred places of the Andes and the Amazon with native spirituality, as well as meetings of people with a desire to live.